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Lark, a ByteDance company, took off thanks to Growth Marketing [Success story]

It is an ally for brands or companies that face major challenges and also need to achieve extraordinary results in a short time.

In 2019, Lark was one of them

This business collaboration platform, developed by ByteDance, faced a huge challenge.

At the time, despite having an amazing offering and value proposition , it had no traction in the US market.

This new version of an office suite, which combines all the essential tools for south africa consumer mobile number list  team collaboration, was not very clear about how to penetrate that market.

Despite being an all-in-one SaaS solution, this Asian-based company was having a hard time achieving that goal.


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There was a lot to do and little time to waste, so he couldn’t limit himself to j replicate billie eilish’s success in your marketing campaign ust implementing one or another traditional marketing strategy.

And that’s where Growth Marketing, also known as growth marketing , came into play .

The Lark team agreed to implement a series of Growth Marketing strategies that generated fascinating results in record time.

And we will reveal them to you throughout this article! Keep reading and di bw lists scover the power of growth marketing when it comes to achieving memorable milestones.

What is Growth Marketing?
What exactly is Growth Marketing? Some define it as a philosophy focused on the rapid and sustainable growth of a company.

Others say it combines tactics and strategies focused on customer acquisition and retention, and of course, increasing value over time.

All of that is true. Growth Marketing doesn’t just focus on the first stage of the conversion funnel , but on its entirety.

In other words: It is not limited to lead capture

It also advocates customer loyalty and retention and is characterized by over-delivering value during each phase of the customer’s purchasing journey .

It is certainly a results-oriented approach. Every action, tactic and strategy is designed and executed with the ultimate goal of driving growth.



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