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Online Sales 3 digital sales trends for 2024

The online ecosystem is constantly evolving and 2024 promises to present us with a major disruption in terms of digital sales trends.

Many of them could redefine the way companies build relationships and connect with their customers.

While others could completely revolutionize their revenue generation models.

This time we share with you three trends that will be strongly imposed tunisia consumer mobile number list next year and will change the game of online sales in a surprising way.

3 digital sales trends for 2024 that you should know


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These three digital sales trends will help you boost or optimize your brand’s competitive advantages and increase your conversions like never before:

1. Bye discounts, hello credits
This will be one of the most attractive and profitable trends of 2024, digital sales  especial does being generous make you happier? here’s what science says ly for those selling experiences or products and services classified as high-ticket.


Many entrepreneurs and even businessmen make the mistake of lowering prices —unnecessarily— in order to “retain” or “captivate” a certain audience.

Don’t fall into this game. Instead, design a sales strategy that allows you to offer your customers credit or even invites you to give them something extra.

This is a strategy that we implement in our Convierte Más School and that we ha cz lists ve successfully validated, because it continues to generate impressive results for us.

“Instead of giving absurd discounts that can cost you dearly at the end of the year or that sometimes keep you from making it to the end of the month, offer credit and deliver more value.”

Vilma added that this is one of Apple’s winning strategies . “This year, during Black Friday, it did not offer a single dollar discount, but rather a gift card to its customers to encourage them to make other purchases .  ”

If you are one of them, you will have to say goodbye to discounts before it is too late.

Do you understand the genius of this strategy? Apple literally said goodbye to discounts — once again — and made sure to offer “cash” credits to its customers to encourage future purchases.

But you don’t have to be the Cupertino company to replicate this strategy or take advantage of this trend during 2024.

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